PCI Glossary of Technical Terms


An Association Member, or Association-approved non-member acting as the agent of a Member, that provides authorization, clearing, or settlement services for merchants and processors: authorizing processors, and clearing processors.

By |2019-12-29T18:01:54+00:00December 29th, 2019||0 Comments

Penetration Test

A controlled (and officially approved) attempt by someone playing the part of an attacker to see if they can break into a given computer system. It is not necessary that they actually break in: it can be more like 'rattling all the door-knobs to see if any are unlocked'. Any successes that they have can

By |2019-12-29T17:59:47+00:00December 29th, 2019||0 Comments

Payment Card Environment

This is an important idea in PCI, and one that Merchants need to understand. The payment card environment includes ALL devices that:       • process payment cards, OR       • store information about payment cards, OR       • that transmit that sort of information, AND ALL devices that connect

By |2019-12-29T17:58:54+00:00December 29th, 2019||0 Comments

Payment Card Account Information

This is an important idea in PCI, and one that you need to understand. The Payment Card Environment is that part of your computer network that possesses cardholder data or sensitive authentication data, and those systems and segments that directly attach or support cardholder processing, storage, or transmission. For example, if you have a computer

By |2019-12-29T17:58:30+00:00December 29th, 2019||0 Comments
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